Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rodenbach Grand Cru

Either you like it or you hate it. The comparison of UNC and Rodenbach Grand Cru can go pretty deep. Ask a fan of any other ACC team, and you can hear the dislike. I have heard the same while tasting the Grand Cru. The sourness, the cherries, whatever it is, there are many people out there that would take a sip and hate it. On the other hand, there are people out there that charish every sip.

I fell into this beer at the first Belgian Beer Fest that I went to at Max's. I didn't know what to think of a Flemish Red Ale. First sip, I didn't know about it. Second sip, I could taste it. Third sip, I was in love. Now it is something I look forward to. When other brews are supposed to be similar to it, the comparison always is bad for the other beer.

What is your opinion on these sour beers?

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