I will be missing the Beer, Bourbon and BBQ up on the Timonium Fairgrounds. But I am happier going to the Taming of the Brew, in Bloomsburg, PA. The TotB is sneaky fun. As a fundraiser for the local theatre group, the TofB brings a collection of around 30 brews (most breweries and one Miller distributor) and most area restaurants in for a night of good beer and good food. As you walk in they hand you a 10oz glass, and give you a shove. Not really, but I feel like they should.
If you would like to go and don't have a ticket, well you are out of luck. The tickets went on sale a couple of days after Christmas and they sold out in under 30 minutes. Why? (this is the best part) They limit the amount of people in the Fest. Maybe it is because of the Fire Marshall declared occupancy of the building, or maybe it is to cause demand. I don't know, but I was able to secure tickets this year, and am happy to go. The lines at all of the brewers never get very long, maybe waiting for one or two people in front of you, and the food stands are always ready for you as well.
Some of the beer I look forward to. Troegs will have their beer there, which is nice, but you can get most of it anywhere. Ditto for Victory. Sly Fox was there last year, and I don't get up to Lancaster to go drinking enough, so that was a treat. Ommegang (Maarstad) comes down, so I could swill that all night long. The PA Homebrewers are there with some of their brew, as well as smaller brewpubs. It is nice to try out people's craft. I can't wait to get there to see what was brought.
I will get some snap shots at the TofB to share. And hopefully those of you who go to BB and BBQ, let me know how that goes.
Beer Book Review – Around the World in 80 Beers
12 hours ago
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