Monday, March 8, 2010

In My Glass- Flying Fish Exit 4

From Flying Fish's website:
For the first release, we chose Exit 4--right up the street from the Flying Fish brewery. Because we were one of the first craft brewers to embrace Belgian-style beers, we've chosen as our representative beer, a Belgian trippel finished with plenty of American hops.

This inspired Belgian-style Trippel has a hazy golden hue and the aroma of citrus with hints of banana and clove. Predominant Belgian malt flavors give way to a subdued bitterness in the finish. Bottle conditioned, this beer will develop as it ages.

This was one of the beers from the mixed 6 pack that I picked up at Honey Go Wine and Spirits. It says that it is an American Trippel. Very nice to look at. It didn't pour with much of a head, but I am probably the worst person at pouring. The head didn't wait around for me to examine it, as it dissipated quickly. You can smell the sweetness pouring out of the beer. I am thinking added honey. You can also pick up on the hops and some spice, maybe from the yeast.

The taste is more complex than the nose. Lots of bubble gumish flavors, followed by the Belgian yeast. A bit of hops push through, where I assume that the "American" part of the style comes in. A little more carbonation than I like in a beer, but it still is a very nice beer to drink.

Overall, I think this is a really nice beer. Nothing special, but it would be something that I would pick up in the future.


  1. The exit 4 sounds good I will have to look for that next time I am in the store. Have you tried the Victory Twilight yet? It reminded me of Troegs Nugget Nectar a little bit.

  2. I have not tried it yet. It is going in my fridge to be drank tonight. I will post as I consume. (you comment about it being like Nugget nectar makes me want to hurry home)
