I had a good week in brews. Wednesday at Max's, Newcastle was the Pint Night. So I had one. Made me happy, Newcastle is a beer that I don't mind. It isn't the greatest, but it is ok.
I followed the Newcastle with a Duvel Green, De Ranke XX Bitter and finally an Allagash Confluence.
The Duvel Green is a delicious brew. A bit lighter mouthfeel than regular Duvel (one of my favorites, I don't care how "popular" it is). The Green seemed very spicy in both the mouth and the nose, but not overly spiced. This was, I believe, the second time I had the Green, with the first being at this past year's Belgian Fest, again at Max's.
The De Ranke XX Bitter was good as well. It was nice to sip this beer with no expectations. The golden colored beer smelled of citrus and a little bit of hops. Even though it is an IPA, I didn't want to expect the big hopbomb. The citrusness came through in the mouth as well. The hops were there, but they weren't overpowering. It was a very drinkable beer, one I was happy to partake.
Finally, I had the Allagash Confluence. I picked it because I haven't had an Allagash brew in a while. I was super happy I did. (That seems like a very juvenile phrase, but I was ecstatic on the selection.) The Confluence was listed as a Belgian Style Brett Ale. I normally like beers brewed with Brett, so I was hoping for a good beer. The funky smell (sour apples) came through on the nose, and instantly I was turned on. I couldn't wait to taste it. It also had a somewhat grassy smell to it. (The assumption is the hops, but I am no expert.) Once it hit my lips, I couldn't put it down. This beer is not a heavy beer at all, so it would be very easy to put back multiple in one setting, just don't forget about the 7.5% alcohol, because you don't taste it while drinking.
Overall, it was a good night. I was extremely satisfied with the selection. Thursday, I traveled down to my normal stool at McGoverns. Had a few Duvels, as well as a couple Sierra Nevada Pale Ales. Can't complain.
What have you had lately?
Beer Book Review – Around the World in 80 Beers
11 hours ago
Sounds like a great night.
ReplyDeleteI was @ the Duvel Green event 2 weeks ago @ Max's and also had the Allagash Confluence. I couldn't help but love it. Just a great beer. No one in the US does Belgian brews quite like Allagash.
Allagash is definately one of the best. I would have to group Ommegang with them though. Allagash does have a bigger selection of styles.