On Wednesday, I did my normal stop in at Max's. I was glad to start me day off with a Belgica from Great Divide. The Belgain style IPA is a delicious brew. After chatting with the Sierra Nevada rep for a bit, I took up his offer of a free SN Harvest (southern hemisphere wet hop). I enjoyed this beer last year when it first came out, and I enjoyed it again this year. The ale poured a little darker than I remembered, but no complaints. It is a basic ale with the hops being in the taste all the way through. The other citrus/sweetness is there as well. Definately something I would drink again and again.
I also had the SN Summerfest lager. I love this lager and think it may become one of my favorite summer beers. It just tastes so good on a hot day. To end the day, I had a Stone Levitation. The amber ale, poured a dark amber color. Smelled very piny, so I prepared for a hopbomb. The piny taste did not slam into my mouth as I expected, but I was able to get a very heavy bitterness, which I enjoy. Overall, this was a nice beer. And at 4.4% a very drinkable beer.
Beer Book Review – Around the World in 80 Beers
11 hours ago
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