Monday, January 10, 2011

Great Wedding Gift?

This beer was apart of a wedding gift given to us (my wife received a bottle of Riesling, I received Maredsous 10).  The beer pours darker than expected, with a nice orange hue. (I was looking for more yellow in it- no complaints!)  The head is full, and the aroma jumps from the glass with fruit and the Belgian yeast being very noticeable.

Initially with the beer very cool from the fridge, there is a strong taste of booze and dark fruits.  High carbonation blocks the tripel from flowing smoothly.  As it warms, the dark fruits really hit the nose before the glass gets to the mouth.  The carbonation drops down to a much more reasonable (yet still on the high side) level, and a lot more fruity tones come forward.  Red grapes with a sharp tartness deliver an easy drinker. 

Overall, this is a beer that got better as it warmed.  It started with high booze and carbonation, but as it warmed, both decided to take a back seat to the fruits and bit of tartness.

Pop the cork and enjoy!

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