Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beer Bracket 2012 Region Formulation

To go to the 2012 Beer Bracket, CLICK HERE.

It is this time of year. The NCAA tournament is about to start, so the 2012 Beer Bracket will be posted soon.  Like in years past, the beers will replace the teams in the bracket. The beer will advance when the team advances. 

 I have decided on this year’s regions:

  • West Coast (west of the Mississippi, beers under 10%)
  • East Coast (east of the Mississippi, beers under 10%)
  • Extreme (beers over 10%, imports or domestic)
  • Imports (anywhere but the US, under 10%)

Normally, I wound formulate these rankings, but I am willing to let others to take a region and let me know what they think.  These can be based on personal preference, and can include a sentimental Macro beer, if you want it to be there. 

One last rule is that there can only be one beer per brewery in each region.
Let me know through email or twitter if you want to take a region.

Why a beer bracket?
  • It makes it fun to pick a side in games you don't care about- watching a game that is Chimay vs. Guinness is better than DePaul vs Bucknell.
  • It can help beer geeks fill out NCAA office pool brackets.
  • I like ranking beers, even if it is personal preference.


Last Years Bracket

1 comment:

  1. This is probably one of the best beer March Madness brackets I have seen, kudos!
