
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Marleys Brewpub

We were finally able to get into Marley's Brewpub in Bloomsburg.  We walked in for lunch, and came away satisfied. The food was right on par.  We had a chicken cheese steak and ranch chicken wrap, and both filled us up.  I was able to have two beers. The first that I had was their Kolsch.  A good Kolsch is clear, crisp ale that is then lagered.  It portrays grassy qualities with slight bitterness. The beer is typically a great refreshing beer for the summertime.

I had high expectations for this Kolsch, as Mr. Lew Bryson is a fan of the brewer's former Kolsch at the Swashbuckler Brewery at the PA Renassaince Fair.  I was not disappointed. It was cool, clean and collected.  It proved to be a great compliment to my wrap, and was great to drink when walking in from the hot, humid weather outside.

My second beer was the Belgian Pale Ale.  I was really surprised with how good this was.  It has a Belgian yeast spice punch with a strong hop flavor and aroma, without an over powering bitterness. I had low expectations for this one, and it came out great.

Overall, I cannot wait to get back an try some more of their beers- definitely will try their other Belgian styles.

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